Thursday, June 14, 2012

An Old Favorite.

Book Info: Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie. Published by St. Martin's Press in 2004.

4 or 5 years ago, my friend Sarah suggested I try Jennifer Crusie. I told her I would and then never did. About 3 years ago she loaned me Bet Me and told me to try it. But not until I had left over Chicken Marsala in the fridge, as the book would cause a craving. So one night, after a trip to the Olive Garden, I picked up this book. It is one of those quick reads. You know the kind.... you sit down and all of a sudden you have lost 3 hours and you are almost done with the book. It is cute and charming, and yes, I did crave Chicken Marsala by the time I was halfway through it. Though not as much as I craved Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. Lol! Crusie weaves us a wonderful little fairy tale. So wonderful that this little nugget was added to my kindle last week. ( Since moving to grad school, I have told myself I can't by more books.... and I am trying to stick to it by buying e-books instead. Lol!) As I am still traveling, I decided to re-read it and see if it was as good as I remember.

So, what is the story? The stage revolves around Cal and Minerva. Minerva is 33 and her boyfriend dumps her because she isn't putting out. (I thought that ended with high school, but apparently not.) Cal, was given the ultimatum by his girlfriend, marriage or nothing. He chose the later option.  Minerva's ex-slimeball, David, bets Cal $10,000 that Cal can't get Minerva to sleep with him in 30 days. Cal declines, repeatedly. But Minerva overhears only part of the conversation and therefore believes that Cal accepted the bet... at a rate of $10. Cal does accept a bet for $10 that he can get Minerva to leave the bar with him (which he wins) But... this creates the old "Boy meets Girl, Boy and girl go to dinner, boy and girl vow not to see each other again, boy and girl protect each other from their respective families, which leads to boy and girl fall in love" scenario. You've heard of that one right? Okay probably not. It is fun. It is light. It is interesting. I suggest it.

Plus, Minerva isn't a skinny minnie... She is a heroine that comes to love herself. I always like those stories. And Cal, doesn't expect her to starve herself to become something that isn't achievable. I like that about him.

So I would say read it. It is a good one. I plan to read it again. Maybe tonight. ;)

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